Could the Proposed Caps on International Student Numbers – Be a Potential Boon for Regional Universities?
Your Guide to Finding a Good Migration Agent in Australia
skilled nominated visa- Australian Visa Application Process Update

NSW Skilled Nominated Visa Application Updates

NSW Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)   Permanent visa for points assessed by skilled workers nominated by a regional or local government agency.   NSW uses a selection-based invitation process to ensure that NSW nominees meet the required skills that are needed for the country’s economy.   Applicants cannot apply directly.   NSW Invitation Cycles Read more about NSW Skilled Nominated Visa Application Updates[…]

Colleagues in office

Eligibility for 491 Visa Sponsorship & DAMA Occupation List Updates

Eligibility for 491 Visa The Victoria area on the Great South Coast has revamped its DAMA list to meet the needs of skilled agricultural workers. See the following details to find out if your job is eligible for 491 visa sponsorship.   What is Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA)? The Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) Read more about Eligibility for 491 Visa Sponsorship & DAMA Occupation List Updates[…]

Airport Photo

Tips On Choosing A Good Migration Agents

Lodging a permanent resident visa is a life changing decision for most people as the outcome of this effort can make a significant impact on their future quality of life. There it is crucial that applicants evaluate all options before engaging a good migration lawyer or agent. First  – The experience of Good Migration Agent Read more about Tips On Choosing A Good Migration Agents[…]

Young Women Worker With Ipad

GSM- Professional Year Programs

Those who have completed a Bachelors or Masters qualification in Accounting, Information Technology or Engineering can undertake a “Professional Year Program” (‘PYP’). A PYP is a valuable addition to your resume, enhances your employment opportunities in Australia and is also beneficial for your General Skilled Migration(GSM) Points Test. PYP generally are 44 weeks in duration Read more about GSM- Professional Year Programs[…]

Senior Couple With Family

Visa Options For Parents of Australian Citizens & Permanent Residents

On 21 June 2016 the Government made an election commitment to enhance existing visa arrangements to enable parents to visit family in Australia for a continuous period of up to five years. Parents currently have a temporary and permanent visa options to visit Australia to spend time with their children. Visitor visas (subclass 600) allow Read more about Visa Options For Parents of Australian Citizens & Permanent Residents[…]

Airport Photo

Money Well Spent (article April-2016)

When a person decides to build a house, they usually hire professionals such as an architect, and a builder, even though most people would know how to use a hammer and a saw. The reason they hire professionals is because their house is one of their most expensive investments and it’s important that what is Read more about Money Well Spent (article April-2016)[…]

Australian Flags

457 Policy Changes to Self-Sponsorship

Recent changes to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s policies have made it very difficult for visa applicants to sponsor themselves from their own business. 457 applications must satisfy the Department of Immigration that the applicant will be employed in a position that is genuinely required by the business. The Department of Immigration may Read more about 457 Policy Changes to Self-Sponsorship[…]



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